If you are a recruitment consultant, then you know our job can be hard.
No, recruiters are NOT rocket scientists but dealing with arguably one of the most intangible solutions out there (that being people) is undoubtedly tough and quite frankly exhausting! When you add instances of division amongst peers and colleagues to the mix, you are faced with a whole new layer of difficulty.
The recruitment industry is highly competitive and so the last challenge you need to be facing is one which stems from an internal stakeholder. This can take the form of a colleague who ‘forgot’ to share a job seeker with you, the staff member who refuses to assist with training new people in the business, the person who doesn’t participate in group business development activities or team events. This can lead to demotivation, lack of communication, deflated and low energy as well as decreasing levels of productivity.
In my role as a Branch Manager, I invest time and coach consultants to be more collaborative, engaged and essentially successful. To be clear, you DO NOT need to hold hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’ with your peers, however, you must demonstrate the ability to work well with them which will not only make your day more pleasant but will contribute directly to your success. A workplace is not a schoolyard and with that comes certain business standards that exist for a reason.
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