I thought I’d start this blog by answering a question I am frequently asked when meeting and speaking with new hiring managers who are seeking sales professionals, “so how long will it take for you be able to find someone for me?”
For those who aren’t experienced in recruiting in the sales industry, you may not know that there is a massive shortage of top sales professionals. Many businesses are forced to rethink their approach of attracting staff, with additional benefits and generous commission structures. The top talent are receiving multiple job offers, some base salaries being offered are in excess of 20% on top of their current base salaries!
Relationship Manager Positions have been in demand year on year, where companies are finding that retaining business and customers is more cost-effective than winning new business. Business Development Managers are always in demand and many businesses I currently work with, are seeking technical BDM’s with a specific skill set, which is not easy to find.
The question I am asked a lot when speaking with hiring managers, is “what is the timeframe to source a sales professional?” There is no precise answer.
With the current market moving so fast, there isn’t a ‘pool of immediately available candidates’ waiting on our database ready to go. I would challenge anyone who says otherwise!
Building ongoing relationships with job seekers is crucial. The best person may be happily in a position, however, their dream role may come their way and entice them to take a once in a lifetime opportunity.
My advice to hiring managers would be, that in a talent-short market we are currently experiencing, it is essential to act as quickly as possible. When a job seeker is interviewed and available, then my job is to let hiring managers know about them immediately!
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