Well you’re not alone. For one, I have done it and many times in fact.
It started with team calls when I was mirroring colleagues saying goodbye at the end of our daily catch ups. Now, I find myself waving to candidates and clients goodbye. Experts have claimed it’s us craving personal touch and human connection.
Some are taking it to a whole new level and ‘air hugging’.
Possibly a step too far for me in real life, but who knows what I’m capable of in months to come.
We once closed our notebooks and sprung off our chairs and now, we smile and wave.
With sound glitches ever present, verbal goodbyes can be missed whilst a wave universally signals hello or goodbye.
It leaves the meeting on a friendly and informal note and is less noisy and complicated than everyone saying their goodbyes at once.
There are other behaviours on video conference platforms, which we wouldn’t necessarily witness in person.
One in particular which I am guilty of is looking at yourself in the camera whilst in meetings. *Hangs head in shame*
Consequently, I’m making more of an effort getting ready knowing that I will have several video meetings every day. Vain? Most definitely, but aren’t we all.
The concern on how we look on video certainly reflects our confidence, but it’s only human to be self-conscious when we’re having to watch ourselves talk and move for hours a day.
A clever tip on Zoom is that you can shut yourself off in the Zoom settings, so people still see you but you don’t have that constant reflection.
Many prove their engagement, acknowledgement and understanding in video conferences by smiling and nodding. This is a behaviour that I’ve witnessed in my team and I must admit I find it reassuring as it’s a sign of ‘yes I understand and agree’ without any verbal interruption.
In adapting to this ‘new normal’, we are forced to conduct social gatherings and work meetings by virtual technology and are consequently experiencing a new fatigue.
A fatigue that is caused by offering our full attention and awareness to the blue screen in and outside of work.
I asked several colleagues, clients and candidates on how they are disconnecting during and after their work day and here’s some of their suggestions:
Over to you, what online habits have you experienced in yourself or others and most importantly, hands up if you’re an avid waver.
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