Wow, what a change we have all gone through! Personally, working from home with a pre-schooler and 6 year old has certainly presented some unique challenges! If you told me I would be juggling working from home, home schooling, and all the technology that comes with it, I would not have believed it even weeks ago!
It is amazing how we can adapt!
Take time every morning
I set myself so I can tick things off the list and stay positive.
Keep connected!
I continue to be impressed and proud of the during this time. Each have developed ways to cope. Some have started online meditation and yoga classes, encouraged their creative side with cooking new recipes, finished off all of those odd jobs around home that never seem to get done, setting exercise challenges for each other, going on walks / runs at lunchtime and moving to different parts of the house during the day to mix it up! And of course, checking what everyone is having for lunch, something we miss comparing when working in the office!
On, I’ve found the mute button is your friend when taking calls and a lolly pop keeps them quiet for a little while if you have an unexpected attendee at your latest meeting! I would like to thank all of my valued clients, candidates and colleagues who have ignored the little voices in the background from time to time over the last few weeks! A picnic lunch in the backyard goes a long way too!
But above all, this time has reinforced it’s important to be kind to yourself! Take one day at a time, think back to how far you have come from when everything started! Celebrate the wins and realise tomorrow is a new day. And remember, we are all in this together!
I’ve learnt that somedays you feel like a superhero, with wins at work, happy kids, a tidy house and getting dinner on the table. Other days you will find yourself hiding from your children with a glass of wine at the end of the day. And both are just fine!
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