It’s often said that people don’t leave their organisation, they leave their manager. So, if you’re ready to change roles, how do you know your next manager will be a good fit for you?
When we are looking for a potential, suitable, partner to share our life with, there are certain criteria that we want and look for, right? It could be personality traits, hobbies, behaviours and general common connections. These things are extremely important, and it is no different in the professional arena in selecting the right boss for you. Well, the criteria will be different, but the same thought process should apply to select the right boss for you.
Your boss must be just as right for you as you are for them. Think about what is important to you and what you require from your boss to continue building a successful career. Remember though, they are the boss and even though you may not agree all the time, they are in that position for a reason. They are experts in their field, and they are looking to get the best out of their staff and have them enjoy their time at work. Good bosses will ensure their staff have strong career paths.
You may meet your potential new manager when interviewing for the role. Some people, generally those interviewing for more senior positions, ask their potential new manager for referees. They want to talk to other people in the team, former colleagues or clients to find out what they are like to work for and with.
When you start your new role, the ‘dating’ phase really begins - the relationship starts to form, and trust begins to build. We should never lose sight of who the boss is and respect for their position should always prevail. I learned that very early on in my working life and it is something that I stand by. We aren’t there to be best friends, however, having a good connection and mutual respect will make the world of difference during your time at work.
When you are looking at starting a new role and you meet your new manager for the first time, you really need to think about what is important to you. Can you build a successful, professional relationship with this person? Do you believe that they will be able to guide your career in a positive way? Do you find them inspiring and motivating? Your boss has a major influence and impact on your career and making the right choice is critical.
So, when you’re ready to look for a new role – think about the industry you want to work in, the skills you’d like to use, what your ideal workplace will look like AND the type of boss that would be right for you.
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