Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Congratulations, now you’re one of 450+ million users competing for the attention of recruiters and organisations scouting for talent, using the platform.
When you are not looking for a job, you tend to ignore the importance of your LinkedIn profile. You say to yourself “I’ll get to it when I need to”.
Want your LinkedIn profile to stand out? Here’s a few tips that will make you shine and get you started in getting noticed by recruiters.
Firstly, create a summary to tell your story, your career progression, sell yourself, your skills and accomplishments.
Make your URL concise and neat.
Smile, not just with your lips but with your eyes. Pick a headshot where your face takes up more than 50% of the image and look at the camera.
Highlight your best accomplishments. Treat your LinkedIn profile like a ‘bait’ and attempt to attract all kinds of recruiters and employers. Tailor your profile to show a more well-rounded view of your experience, talents and skills.
Recruiters source talent and when they find it, they make contact. Serve yourself well and market yourself in the summary and experience section
(Tip: Use action words, accomplishments, describe when you’ve been selected for projects or promotions).
If you’ve had any interactions with any LinkedIn contacts, you should invite them to be one of your connections. This will build up your ‘1st-degree connections’.
Put in the time and effort to ‘ make it stand out’ and walk your reader through your work passion, skills, and qualifications. Remember, consistency is key – make sure all your details are up to date.
Now that you’ve put into practice these helpful tips, make yourself look amazing. “WOW” future connections and develop your influence.
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