I find myself reflecting, how is it that I have had enormous success (recruited whole teams with exclusivity for every role) with some of the clients and a limited success with others. Clients who ‘tick’ all of the boxes below are the ones that I have had success with, so here is your how to guide to get the most of your recruitment consultant and ultimately secure first-rate employees for your business.
Trust - Don’t hold information back, inform your consultant ‘warts and all’ the good, the bad and the ugly about the job and how it fits into your business. Tell your consultant what you have done so far to fill the role and give them the tools they need to fill the job – a job specification, an organisational chart and if applicable the line managers and the incumbents' name. If you are an internal recruiter, please allow your consultant to talk directly to the line manager to fine-tune the brief as it is only then that the cultural match can be fulfilled. Never restrict them from connecting with line and or see us as a threat but as allies, help us help you! Equally, I have exceptional relationships with both HR/internal recruiters and line managers with businesses that I have had a huge amount of success with.
Success can be measured as all different forms, but in a recruitment consultants world, success means exclusivity, placements, repeat business and ultimately happy candidates and clients. So leave the recruitment piece to the experts, follow these tips, and you too will get the most out of your recruitment consultant.
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