With summer just around the corner, I felt it was time to write a blog around fitness and how important it is within an office environment. Soon I’ll be undertaking a course as a Group Fitness instructor and whilst being active has always been a part of my life, it’s not until I started working in an office environment that I realised just how important it is to keep-up a healthy balanced nutrition and an active lifestyle. All of us (including myself) have been guilty of saying ‘I don’t have enough time to work out or I’ll just grab something quick and easy’ which usually means some form of deep fried or fast food. On top of this, we rely on sugary treats to keep our energy up throughout the day but if we aren’t keep up an active lifestyle, then this begins to take a real toll on the body without us realising.
Our bodies aren’t getting enough activity sitting down for long periods of time so it’s imperative that we make the time to work out or eat a healthy snack instead of lollies. Now I’m not saying give up junk food all together (because I’m certainly not prepared to make that sort of crazy unrealistic decision), but think about making the correct choice to eat better more often than not.
Studies show that exercising elevates the mood, improves brain function and serves a highly effective stress relief function as well as keeps your body in great condition both inside and out. Now you might be thinking, ‘when am I supposed to fit in the time for a long workout?’ Well I personally choose the 5.30am approach and it starts my day off right, I also choose to work out at night a few times a week as a stress relief. Now these workouts don’t have to be 1.5-2hrs long every day. A period of 30-40 mins of high intensity exercise can equal the same as working out for 1.5hrs. There is always time, get up a bit earlier or cut out that 30mins of TV time at night. Don’t be the sort of person who makes excuses and says I’ll start next Monday. Start straight away and before you know it, the results of your hard work will start to show.
It’s like that old saying ‘a push-up a day, keeps the doctor away’… okay so I changed it slightly – same message though.
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