I am a Year 11 student from Mary Mackillop Catholic College and my name is Una. I have just spent a week’s work experience with people2people. This has taught me many corporate based skills and the fact that sitting in an office all day isn’t as easy as it seems. I have enjoyed the experience, as the staff have been very informative and friendly and they have made me feel welcome and made conversation so I wouldn’t feel too awkward or left out. Janet, my supervisor was great and always made sure I had a task to complete during my week at people2people.
On the first day of my work placement, it didn’t take me long to find the office. The way to find it was easily understandable according to the directions given to me by my business services teacher. Janet and I introduced ourselves to each other and she conducted an induction around the entire office along with the other employees of people2people and the roles of each individual.
The tasks seemed straight forward but they were very time consuming. When it came to entering data, I quickly learned that it must be entered correctly to prevent mistakes being made when coming into contact with candidates (job seekers). One of my tasks included entering the correct addresses of companies listed with people2people. The process was very time consuming but it allows the business to easily access the information needed to prevent them from wasting time when looking up a particular file.
By the end of the week spent at people2people, I learnt about the importance of this particular recruitment agency along with their role. Sitting in on interviews allowed me to observe what skills employers find attractive when recruiting staff for roles in their businesses. The employees at people2people are dedicated to what they do and they made my week at the company enjoyable and full of positive things I can take home with me.
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