A few years ago, my best friend and I went to see a psychic in Walsh Bay, in inner Sydney. She told me that roughly in the next 12-18 months I would meet a man, get married, have kids and would live happily ever after. However, the psychic failed to tell me that I would move to Sydney’s West. Today, I wouldn’t change a thing. Moving to the west has brought me lots of new opportunities, happiness, friends and experiences, which have allowed me to grow as a person and expand my mind. Who knew that The Pet Shop Boys had it right all these years? Go West!
Having moved to Sydney’s West in 2012, I must say that it definitely feels like home to me and I’m very proud to be a part of it. I LOVE SYDNEY’S WEST!! – why wouldn’t you?
According to the Deloitte Paper on Shaping Future Cities in 2013, Western Sydney contributed $100 billion to the Australian economy, making us the third largest economy in Australia. It is also expected that by 2020, there will be 200,000 NEW jobs in Sydney’s West . The ‘Pet Shop Boys’ definitely had it right because the skies are going to be blue with all the opportunity in the air!
Earlier this week I had reached out to some friends and asked them what they love the most about working in Sydney’s West and here are some of the things they had come back with…
Easily accessible – The great thing about most companies out in Sydney’s West is that they provide free parking (and some of the time commuters are travelling against the traffic). However, for those who don’t have such luxuries, they are usually still close to public transport. Personally, I love my free coffee with my early bird parking ticket so I feel like I’m winning everyday!
Community – When working locally in Western Sydney, we’re not only contributing to our local economy we are also contributing and strengthening our local community. I know it might sound a little mushy, but I love walking through Parramatta Westfield daily bumping into people I know.
Lunch Options – In Western Sydney we are so spoilt for choice when it comes to reasonably priced options for lunch. From Al Jannah to Frangos the choices are never ending. It’s really an extra bonus that comes from the diversity of different cultures in our community.
I love working in Sydney’s West. I know I’m probably preaching to the converted, but Sydney’s West is definitely the place to be when it comes to both work and play. For those who haven’t. Don’t mock it until you try it. Once you do, like me – you won’t want it any other way!
So if you live in Sydney’s West and are keen to add extra staff to your team to keep up with your growth plans, or if you’re looking for a new local opportunity for yourself, then feel free to give me a call on (02) 8270 9703 or on 0481 940 343. When dealing with me, you will be dealing with an experienced consultant who genuinely cares about people and getting it right!
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