The manner in which you sign off on an email may seem obvious to most, however after receiving a high number of job applications this past week, I thought I’d take the time to address how important it is to sign off your email/texts professionally.
So why is it so important to have a professional sign off? Here are a few reasons;
So, I would therefore recommend the following approaches:
Yours sincerely, Best regards, With thanks, Kind regards, Many thanks, thanks and even Yours faithfully to be very formal.
Taking the time to type a few extra characters can help prevent misinterpretation by the recipient. As emails and text are logged and irreversible, I encourage you to always put your best foot forward or in this case, your best language forward when composing texts or emails. If you’re unsure, I recommend signing off with a simple ‘thankyou’. This will hopefully ensure your email is polite and professional at all times.
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