I’ve recently had a friend enquire about the likelihood of a career change. He had delved into his reservations of ending up in the same field for 5-10 years and not being able to get out - the growing fear of being labelled. I did empathise with this feeling, as it seemed to be quite a common trend, particularly for those whose qualifications and experience are moulded within the same lane.
He pondered the possibility of stepping into a career with a similar skillset (moving from Sales to Marketing), ideally within the Biotech industry (moving from Construction), where there existed a real desire to learn and perform. Personally, knowing this friend for a number of years, he was the person you wanted working for you and hopefully, contagiously inspiring a team through his enthusiasm. However, the likelihood of this, sadly, is not sky high.
Strategically, there are a few paths to consider. One which I believe is the strongest - an internal move within a company. The likelihood of securing a career change will be greater after proving yourself within the same organisation. Couple this with professional qualifications which can aid your case and it certainly won’t hurt.
Outside of this, if there is potential to recommend someone as an untapped superstar for a role, an experienced agency consultant can help. Getting your foot in the door and thinking outside a rigid criteria, can only be cultivated through longevity of relationships and trust.
So getting back to my friend’s question, it certainly is tough, but not impossible. Ultimately, it comes down to relationships, the strength of your network and ability to market yourself.
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