Hi my name is Soifua, and I am year 12 student. After completing my Business Service VET course, I did not know anything about people2people; but I do now!This company has taught me invaluable skills. Although I am very much into science and am considering becoming a Doctor in the future, this business environment has benefited me in ways I had never thought of. On my first day on this work placement, I was accompanied by my lovely father to ensure my safe arrival to the office, because, frankly, no one likes to get lost! I remember admiring the beautiful girls walking around CBD as well as all the handsome men in suits.
My first impression was the excitement of being involved in this picturesque world, even for a short period of time. I was at the front office with Gaby at the reception area (her title is peoplemanager) helping with some scanning. On my first day at my work placement, my supervisor, Janet, gave me work to do and she wanted me to watch how the people2people ‘people’ work in their company.
That’s when I caught up with some of the unique things about people2people as a company. My second day at work placement was also exciting as I was doing a lot of scanning of resumes and updating the database with data entry. It was pretty fun for me, because I got to work with other people and they all had smiling faces, every single day! Especially my supervisor Janet, who also helped me at work. I knew I was going to miss school and that this new world would be challenging, but as someone once told me, “your comfort zone is boring”. Being a migrant, you involuntarily learn to adapt to your surroundings which is exactly what happened.
The first couple of days went extraordinarily well and as the time went by, I became more comfortable with the people and more familiar with the job. For me, the best part of this week has been learning about recruitment. I was kindly allowed to sit with some of the recruitment consultants in their interviews, to observe and to then ask question afterwards. Through this and the consultant feedback about their interview, I learnt the key skills and the do’s and don’ts of interviewing. This will benefit me in the upcoming stages of my life and when looking for a job in the future.
Therefore, a big thank you goes to the lovely people2people team, especially my supervisor Janet for this opportunity and for making a week working at a desk, actually enjoyable!
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