I’m the first to say, searching for a new position is a full-time job on its own. And if you’re already in a permanent position, that’s quite a few stressful hours applying, editing your resume and rushing to interviews on top of an already busy day. A toss up many candidates consider is whether to resign without a new job, to enable them to fully concentrate on their job search and allowing them some time to consider their decisions.
The risk however, is that a search can take longer than expected and your cash flow begins to dry up. Considering we’re now heading into Christmas, this is especially relevant. From my experience, not all job searches are created equal. A candidate with a highly specialised set of skills, such as a Payroll Manager with Chris21 experience, won’t be searching for long.
But a market full of qualified and experienced candidates, due to the shifts in business needs, such as Executive and Personal Assistants, need to be conscious of the fact that it is very competitive, and leaving a permanent position is an incredibly risky decision. My advice would be to stay in your current role as long as possible (obviously not always the easiest thing to do), and do your research on whether it’s the right time of the year to be searching. Call your recruiter too, we’ll be more than happy to give you advice and you never know, we might have a job for you too!
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