I recently attended the 'Salesforce - Future of Sales' seminar here in Melbourne Australia. As a specialist sales recruiter, I'm interested in understanding the best practices which top performers and top organisations utilise. Increasingly, it's clear that an 'experiential economy' has emerged, meaning that more and more, customers are judging a product or service based on the experience they have with the brand.
Product and service quality cannot be relied upon as a point of difference, but rather the ability to have a lasting positive impact on a customer, is the key to recurring revenue. "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou Indeed, the seminar revealed data to indicate that up to 86% of customers would pay more for a better experience. In turn, these customers are also more likely to endorse and recommend you to other consumers.
Why do customers buy from you? Is it because they want to use any provider who can provide a service at a suitable price? Is it because they have a longer relationship with the company for which you work? Or is it because they want to work with YOU personally? Having an established base of clients who trust you, value your expertise and enjoy working with you, is valuable currency for the best salespeople and often a prerequisite for employers seeking a sales leader to grow their business.
Equally, Sales Recruitment Consultants such as myself, must share these principles and create lasting relationships with the very candidates we represent. I'm always looking to speak with talented salespeople who are conscious of the value they can offer and create the best experiences with their clients. Call me if you would like to discuss your next sales job, or may be looking for sales recruitment assistance, for your next hire.
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