I joined the team at people2people Brisbane in July 2016. It’s been a blast so far and I’ve really enjoyed it! However, there have been a few reoccurring incidents in dealing with so many different people, which have become ‘pet peeves’. So to provide a bit of assistance to help out some job seekers, I thought I’d write a short guide for when you’re dealing with a peoplemanager.
You’d be surprised to hear that some job seekers who are attending an interview with one of our recruitment consultants, can be rude to the person who sits at the ‘front of house’, which we at people2people call the peoplemanager. It’s not a great start to the interview process. Quite often, the interviewer or recruitment consultant can ask the receptionist or the peoplemanager about their impression of the interviewee when they first arrived in the office for their interview.
Like most people, I write a lot of emails during the working day and I’ll quite often see replies where the question wasn’t answered or it’s as if there was no effort involved in writing it. A high attention to detail is a great trait to have, so make sure you use it, always!
A lot of time is also spent on standardising the presentation of resumes, such as when those resumes have photos as backgrounds and fancy graphic designs. Your suitability for a role isn’t made on how visually appealing your resume is unless, of course, it’s a part of a portfolio for a marketing/graphic design role. Please double check the accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation and above all, ensure it makes sense.
If one of the recruitment consultants arranges for you to come in for an interview, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of everything you need to bring with you. Make sure you read this thoroughly and bring these items along. Although a peoplemanager/receptionist may not be recruiting specifically for a vacancy themselves, it’s good business practice to form a good first impression with them too. Using these four tips may just help, you never know what they may be asked!
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