Voicemails: we all have them, yet few of us actually understand the importance of them. Setting up your voicemail when you first purchase a mobile phone is one of the most important steps! Not only because it allows people to notify you about the reason they've called, but also because the quality of your message can be an important part of your personal brand. Here at people2people, we reset our voicemails every day – yes, every day. It lets anyone who calls know that we have listened to any voicemails from the previous day, and it also creates a point of difference from our competitors! Now, I don't expect everyone to reset their voicemails everyday like we do, but I do wish to draw your attention to the fact that if your voicemail isn't set up, cuts the user off from completing a voicemail, or is a joke voicemail, there is a high likelihood that the person who is calling you, whether they are a prospective employer or a recruiter, will not waste their time attempting to leave a message. Therefore, here is a quick voicemail recipe that is fool proof:
State your full name, for example, 'Hi, you've reached the voicemail of Rachel Fisher.'
Let them know of your availability, e.g. 'I am currently unavailable to take your call.' 'I am currently overseas.' 'I am currently interstate.' 'I am currently away on annual leave.'
Ask them to briefly explain why they are calling – this gives you a quick heads up regarding the urgency of the call! 'Please leave me a brief message.'
Finally, let them know you will endeavour to call back. 'I will give you a call back as soon as possible.'
'Hi, you've reached the voicemail of Rachel Fisher. I am currently unavailable to take your call. Please leave me a brief message, and I will give you a call back as soon as possible.' Although this may sound simple and obvious, it is baffling to hear the other alternatives! Please don't let your voicemail affect your job search!
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