So The Bachelor has finished, and now we have The Bachelorette . Which is, if I may say, the most cringe worthy television ever . After a few episodes, the person I like most is Sam Frost. The blokes are doing an outstanding job of making me cringe. And it's because they didn't prepare themselves for their first interview. Yes, that initial awkward meeting (where one stood on his head, one gave Sam a crumpled serviette and one brought an owl) was indeed their first interview.
And most of them simply blew it. It's not that they were nervous – after all, most people are nervous in an important interview – it's that they didn't take the time to read the body language of the interviewer and instead focused on pushing their own agenda…and owl. (For those of you who didn’t lose an hour of their lives watching this episode – which I might add, they will never get back – one of the potential suitors, brought along his pet owl, I kid you not.) And most of them didn't make a brilliant first impression as a result. What can you learn from all those ridiculously good looking men making fools of themselves?
It’s too late for the blokes on The Bachelorette ; they have already made the blunders...but hopefully you won't be quite so awkward in your next interview!
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