That's it, another season of The Bachelor done and dusted and sadly without that bit of drama where he chooses one candidate and then cancels the assignment early and goes with another one. But there are still lessons to be learned from the 2015 finale. Don't count your chickens before they have hatched. Everyone thought that Lana was this year's preferred candidate, epecially after Heather's tearful departure a few weeks before. Poor Lana thought she was the preferred candidate too. Sam was giving her all the right feedback, and she was quietly thinking she had this one in the bag.
But it turns out there was a better candidate all along. Someone who was quietly capturing Sam's attention and proving herself to have all the right attributes for a long term appointment as the old 'ball and chain'. Here is your lesson: you might think you have got the job in the bag.
The interview(s) have gone well. References have been taken, and people have been giving you positive feedback. But until someone gives you a contract of employment and it's all signed, sealed and delivered, you haven't got the job!
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