Starting out in the interview process can be overwhelming, as knowing exactly what you want when you're fresh from school is no easier than when you were constantly nagged during high school. Frequently having hiring managers and recruiters ask about your ideal role, ideal company and ideal salary can be frustrating when you have no experience in understanding what your likes and dislikes really are! Often, because of this, the real reason you want a job is because you want to earn some money and simply start working. Recruiters know this too and ask the same questions over and over because there can be little variances to the answers you provide. You can then demonstrate whether you will stay and excel in a role or leave before the probation period has ended. I have listed some tips for you to demonstrate to recruiters and hiring managers that you are capable of working competently in the roles for which you have applied.
Research the roles you are applying for, and find out what the role requires, what career progression it offers and what the salary ranges are. If you are applying for reception roles but want to get into HR, recruiters know that you probably won't stay for long – based on previous experience.
Having no administration experience is okay if the role you're applying for is entry level. However, list your responsibilities and duties in previous roles – all of them. Highlight the most relevant ones – if you did data entry while working at your local café, state that first!
Recruiters and hiring managers will search Facebook for you. If you do not want anyone to find you, adjust your privacy settings. If you don't want to do that, make sure your profile picture is professional and remove any inappropriate details. Having 'F*&%ing' as a liked page was funny during that Facebook hack of 2012, but a potential employer or recruiter may not find it as amusing!
Entering the workforce is daunting and difficult. Like most things, being as prepared as possible won't let you down – and, more often than not, will make you stand out from the crowd.
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