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Communications & Engagement Specialist | Change Management | Stakeholder Engagement   I   Marketing & Digital


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Communications & Engagement Specialist | Change Management | Stakeholder Engagement


Marketing & Digital   

  • Launched independent inquiries service, developed materials, and created awareness plans.
  • Led marketing communications for new firearms regulator and registry, developed website content.
  • Developed and implemented change communications plans for government agencies and council.

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Strategic Direction; External Stakeholders; Marketing Communications; User Experience; Navigation Design; Board Trustee; Communications Specialist; Marketing Consultant; Senior Communications Advisor; Senior Communications and Engagement Advisor; Bachelor

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Candidate ID:  0035g00000bf91a

Contact us:  insights@people2people.co.uk / 020 3824 0970

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We have worked hard alongside our industry peers on working groups, committees, and councils to lobby government on key issues including those affecting on-hire workforces, work health and safety, our industry perception, rogue agency behaviour, labour hire licensing, award reviews, professional development and next generation pathways.

Since 2020, we shone the spotlight on inspiring, forward thinking Aussie speakers through market reports and webinars. More importantly, we've tried our best to offer insights to our stakeholders through Australian experts from extremely varied organisations and professions such as: organisational psychologists, architects, education futurists.

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