As a job seeker, would you agree to working with a recruiter exclusively in your job search, for a specific period of time? Naturally there are, of course, going to be pros and cons that we would all weigh up in these scenarios.
As a job seeker: in a very legal talent short market, there are benefits to solely working with one recruiter/agency for your search.
Time: time is precious and if you are already in a permanent role and working and looking for your next opportunity, it can get quite frustrating if you are receiving multiple calls from several recruiters throughout the day either briefing you on roles, calling to see where your job search is up to, trying to lock in interviews, looking for hiring manager feedback etc. Returning missed calls and voicemails at lunch time or afterhours can be tedious and somewhat draining when you on the job hunt and also trying to focus on your current workload.
Duplicates: you want to minimise the chances of your CV being represented to law firms without your permission and hence duplicates popping up. In some instances, when job seekers are registered with several agencies, it is a struggle to keep on top of applications. Unfortunately in the recruitment market, resumes are being sent without you as the job seeker’s permission, which ultimately leads to ‘double-up’s in your applications. This can taint your experience before even securing an interview. Your reputation is invaluable.
Of course, how you manage your job search is your choice, however it is really worth bearing these situations in mind before applying for roles with multiple agencies. Take time to consider if the job posted is with an agency or a law firm. Keep track of the applications you have made and also the ‘registrations’ you have completed with an agency. If you are entering a partnership with a recruitment consultant for your job search exclusively, the next thing you both need to agree on is; for how long? This varies across industries and markets and ultimately how quickly you need, or want to secure a new opportunity.
Please reach out to me for a confidential chat if you are looking for a new opportunity, either now, or in the New Year.
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