So you have considered your reasons for exploring the market, been for several interviews and received a job offer from a new organisation, you have handed in your resignation to your Manager, and you have mentally prepared yourself for the departure process.
The weight on your shoulders is lifted as you have made the decision to move on but what happens when go into your Manager’s office and you resign and they ask, “what can we do to get you to stay?”
Now counteroffers can come in many forms:
The list is long, and it is understandable that the minute this is put on the table, your mind starts to spin. After all, you have been there for a while, you know the team and culture, you know the work and systems and you have been adding value for the past ‘how long’. But it is important that you keep a clear head and truly consider the options available to you. If you have discussed your concerns with your Manager and that led you to applying for new jobs, is the counter offer really about you?
For an employer retaining you means:
As enticing as a counteroffer is, it is always important that you keep and remain calm and think logically. Consider the options available to you. Remember why you wanted to make the move to start with. You made the serious decision to explore the market, interview for new roles and go through the process for a new role that ticks the boxes.
So before you just accept the counteroffer, reflect on those reasons. If your decision to move was made not just for financial reasons, an increase in salary is not going to change the frustrations you had before and those which you brought to your Manager’s attention. If it was for financial reasons and you had asked for a review before you handed in your resignation, – ask yourself why you are worth more after your resignation, rather than before?
If you have weighed up your options and decided to stay, then so be it. But if you made the decision to make a move, take the counteroffer in your stride, thank your employer for the opportunity and explain the reason for your decision to move on. Never burn a bridge…
Not all counteroffers turn sour, but we do see that internal relationships can be strained and often one or both parties eventually decide that the continued working relationship is not working. So consider your options, communicate with all parties involved so that everyone is informed and working towards the same goal.
It is a strange time in which we live and counteroffers are increasing. Consider all your options, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
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