In a recent SEEK employment report, it was revealed that job advertisements in NZ were up 15% from last year as well as some sectors having a pay leap of 30%. With workplaces crying out for new employees and the increase in demand for pay rises, now may be a good time to consider a career change.
If you do decide that a career change is the right direction for you, here are some hot tips to keep in mind when making a career change in 2022.
If you don't know where to start, identify what you really need to change.
You first need to figure out for yourself what the problem with your current situation is. Figuring out what your issue is, may make you realize that you don’t need a full-on change to get you into the space that you want. If it is your current manager of colleagues, then you could look at the possibility of changing departments or if possible, office location. However, if you determine that you believe it is your current company, then it may be time to look at another organization in the same field.
Use your experience to your advantage
Many people are under misconception that when you are leaving your job or beginning a new career, that you are going to have start back at the bottom. Usually that is not the case at all. Just because you are starting at a new company, doesn’t mean you lose all of your previous experience, knowledge or skillsets. You can bring over all of your transferable skills that you have picked up from your past roles and qualifications that you have already earned. Hit the ground running in your new career or job and help you continue to build up your career.
Consider a new job in the same industry
You could consider alternative roles but still around or in your current industry that you have been thriving in previously. This would allow you to transfer over your existing industry knowledge and skill sets you already have.
Don’t lock yourself into a must-have salary
Don’t lock yourself into a must-have salary. Money is the biggest roadblock for most career changers. Chances are when you start-over in a new field or move to a nonprofit, you will need to take a salary cut at least initially. If you have an emergency fund to buy you time, you can to do a more thoughtful job search. Pare back your discretionary living expenses to reflect a more realistic view of what you'll earn.
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