You have secured a promotion, yes!! Congratulations! You have been given the opportunity to climb onto the next step of your career.
Exciting? Overwhelming? A little nerve-racking?
Or... all of the above.
What value will you be adding to your team by taking on the additional responsibilities? How will you manage to fit in time for your own job and also the additional staff responsibilities?
With the increased responsibility comes the increased workload and the challenge of multi-tasking. Having to be available for your team and the business, along with performing your standard day to day tasks and you are starting to feel like the new kid on the block again. No need! You have been rewarded with that promotion because your managers appreciate your capabilities. Own it!
I have recently had the pleasure of being given the opportunity to move to the next step in my career and yes, the excitement and nervousness were very real, however I owned it! I embraced being able to develop my responsibilities and have loved being able to share this journey with a dear colleague of mine, who also was rewarded with the same promotion. It has been brilliant having another Manager with whom to share the journey to share the journey.
Everyone both personally and professionally are on a journey of continued growth and I believe we at times have false expectations of ourselves to know everything; we don’t and that is OK!
At times, it can feel like you are fumbling around and of perhaps taking on more than you are used to and that is OK too! With additional responsibility comes an additional workload and varied hours outside the standard working day. My advice is to take it in your stride, learn from your mistakes (and there will be some, we are human after all) and take on the challenge and embrace your growth and the opportunity to share your experience and knowledge.
The few things that I can say about this is to embrace the opportunity, enjoy the phase of growth and don’t be afraid to ask questions of your Managers. They too were in the same position as you. Fortunately, I am privileged to work within such a fantastic organisation with so many experienced, well respected and approachable Managers who I can look to for advice, mentoring and support, whilst at the same time, enjoying the next step of my long career with people2people.
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