2023 OZ Top Office Dog Finalist
Meet Missy Moo
Breed: Shoodle - shih tzu x toy poodle
Barking from: Northern Territory
What's up dog?
We work part time from home as a dog groomer our business is called Missy Moo & Co . Missy Moo is the meet and greet/ playmate/ calming dog .
She impacts the work space by keeping me calm and our doggy clients . I have CPTSD and other anxiety disorders and working from home with Missy there has changed my life by making me feel safe and when I'm doing office work from home she has her own seat next to me and sit there while I'm working and remind me to take breaks by getting on my lap and staring at me.
Missy loves the beach , running , sitting with her people and going out for lunch / dinner . She likes to play mini soccer in the lounge room with her tennis ball and one of her favourite toys. When Missy came to us we had an amazing old Staffy Gypsy Rose and Missy learnt from her how to be protective and will often run out the front door down the stairs and stand there with her little tough stance and look around to see if anyone is around ( always makes me laugh)
This winner(s) of 2023 OZ Top Office Dog was extensively reviewed and chosen by our judging panel made up of our incredible sponsors, and industry experts.
This award is based on the dog that matchs and exceeds the criteria of PURPOSE, REACH, QUIRKY, and IMPACT.
To read the full list of criteria, vist here.
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