Meet Violet

2023 OZ Top Office Dog Finalist

Meet Violet

Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Barking from: Caroline Springs, VIC

What's up dog?

I work at a veterinary clinic. Violet was surrendered at one week of age because she was born with a deformed and non-functional front leg. The whole team helped care for Violet, bottle feeding her, toileting her and training her. This helped our team bond closer than most workplaces. Violet sees the clinic as her second home and races through the door, insisting on greeting all the staff individually. She helps the team relax on breaks, encouraging them to take her out for a walk, throw the ball for her or just feed her a sneaky snack. If someone is having a bad day, she is right there to give them a cuddle and a lick on the face. She is a reminder that the work we do makes a difference to every individual life, and that you don't have to be perfect to be amazing.

But why dogs?

This winner(s) of 2023 OZ Top Office Dog was extensively reviewed and chosen by our judging panel made up of our incredible sponsors, and industry experts.

This award is based on the dog that matchs and exceeds the criteria of PURPOSEREACHQUIRKY, and IMPACT.

To read the full list of criteria, vist here.

Proudly sponsored by global hiring platform Indeed.

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