2023 OZ Top Office Dog Finalist
Meet Indi
Breed: Shih Tzu
Barking from: Hawthorn, VIC
What's up dog?
Oh, we could go on for hours about the countless things our Indi does to bring a smile to everyone's face. Still, the most heartwarming moments happen at the home office when we witness the joy she brings visitors by showing off the cutest of smiles with her fashionista outfits and bows.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing a stranger's face light up with happiness as Indi says hello with her eyes, and perform some of her cutest tricks, like twirling, shaking paws, and giving loving boops to welcoming noses - the heartwarming comments of "thank you, you've made my day" with a hand placed over their heart is the best reminder of the meaningful impact that a fur friend can have on a day to day work life.
But the real magic happens at the end of a long working shift for her dog mum outside The Royal Women's Hospital when Indi showers anyone who cares, nurses, doctors, and patients, with endless hugs and kisses. It's enough to make our hearts melt and make everything good again.
This winner(s) of 2023 OZ Top Office Dog was extensively reviewed and chosen by our judging panel made up of our incredible sponsors, and industry experts.
This award is based on the dog that matchs and exceeds the criteria of PURPOSE, REACH, QUIRKY, and IMPACT.
To read the full list of criteria, vist here.
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