Meet Baylei

2023 OZ Top Dog with a Job Finalist

Meet Baylei

Breed: Koolie

Barking from: South Australia

Job title: Therapy dog

What's up dog?

Baylei is a therapy dog/dog friendly visitor for elderly Aussies with dementia or alzimers. She absolutely loves visiting them and they absolutely love her.
She impacts their lives tremendously. She brings out their happiness and also makes them be more social. One moment that was a highlight was when there was an elderly lady with dementia, every time Baylei would visit she often sat away from everyone and kept to herself, Baylei would go up to her to say hello, the lady then started talking to her, the workers were shocked as this lady was very quite. Baylei brought her out of her shell. It was a wonderful moment. She continues to bring joy to them.

But why dogs?

This winner(s) of 2023 OZ Top Dog with a Job is extensively reviewed and chosen by our judging panel made up of our incredible sponsors, and industry experts.

This award is based on the dog that matchs and exceeds the criteria of PURPOSEREACH, and IMPACT.

To read the full list of criteria, vist here.

Proudly sponsored by global hiring platform Indeed.

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